Facebook Tips & Tricks part 3

Facebook Ads Campaigns.

Facebook Ads provide two ways to advertise on pages of Facebook. You can create an ad campaign that links to a landing page within your Web site, or you can advertise something on Facebook, such as your new Business Page or an application you have developed. 

You can also employ a Social ad. This shows your image and text alongside the social action you take on Facebook pages. 

Facebook Ads are targeted, meaning you choose the location, gender, interests, relationship status and other demographics of your target audience. 

In creating a Facebook Ad campaign you will need to decide which type of ad you want to run and provide the link the ad will lead visitors to. The Ad title is restricted to 25 characters while the Ad text (body) must fit in 135 characters. If you choose to include a photo, it needs to be 110 by 80 pixels. 

Facebook Ads can be run on a Pay for Clicks (CPC) or Pay for Views (CPM) model. During the ad creation process, you set your daily ad budget and the maximum bid, which is the most you are willing to pay per click. CPC ads are displayed in Face book's Ad Space, Home Page (or both), while CPM ads are shown only in the Ad Space. Facebook selects the best ad to run based on the cost per click or impression and ad performance. 

Facebook Ad Campaign Demographic Page: Target your audience.
After creating the ads you want to run, Facebook will approve your ad for use and suggest a max bid if you have bid too low. Through your Ad Management Page, Facebook provides ad data so you can track your progress, change the audience, or adjust other metrics as the campaign progresses.  

Tips for Small Businesses

Facebook Ads were launched back in November 2007, but most online reports to date still indicate that targeted Facebook Ads are not as successful as using other campaigns – most notably, Google AdWords. If you are hesitant to burn up your ad budget on Facebook just yet, try creating and promoting your free business page first. 
 A small e-commerce site owner can also try Googling for "free Facebook Ad credits." These appear ever so often to entice advertisers to try Facebook Ads. You can take advantage of them to try it out before investing your own advertising budget.