Become pro in Shooting GamesBecome pro in Shooting Games

Halo, Half-Life 2, Call of Duty 4, and Crysis are all amazing games. They also cost a lot of money. If you are looking for some mindless shooting fun that won’t drain your budget, you may find some good entertainment in a flash arcade. These have been around for awhile and I’m sure that you know about them. They may not be the most advanced game around, but they are free and usually good for some fun. This isn’t always true though, especially if you keep getting wasted after a few minutes of play. If you want to play your shooters like a star, you should follow these basic ideas.

First, you really need to stay somewhat alert. A shooter is a pretty demanding game. You don’t want your last ten minutes of play to go down the tubes just because you were distracted by some cool popup (hey…it happens to the best of us). So, try to be somewhat focused if you actually want to play. If you can’t pay attention for ten minutes of alien killing then you should probably step away from the computer, you’ve been on it too long. Specifically, you have to be able to focus in on your targets and have the reaction time to make the shots. Distractions cause you to get shot and lose health, which makes the whole experience more frustrating. Just keeping your eye on the screen and staying alert can make the difference between losing and winning.

Second, you really need to remember all of the little extras that each shooter will probably have. Most good shooters aren’t just one weapon ordeals. You can at least switch weapons or take cover to save health and kill the bad guys faster. While you’re playing a flash game, you may forget this, but remembering all of your options makes things a lot better. There’s no reason to lose half of your health taking on five enemies when you can just throw a grenade and be done with it.

Third, you must stay reloaded. Having to reload in the middle of a firefight is often a deadly mistake. Almost every shooter gives you the option to reload while you’re relatively in the clear. Take your moments of peace to reload your gun and get ready for the next fight. You should also keep a close eye on your ammo while doing this. It may be fun to do spray and pray tactics in a flash game, but you’ll put yourself at a severe disadvantage if you don’t find an ammo pickup.

Finally, aim when you can. This means exactly what it means. Go for headshots and weak spots when possible, but you are not a sniper. You don’t have to shot every enemy in the head. Go for the headshot if you’re not under much fire, but if you are in a tough situation you need to just aim in their general direction and try to stagger them with a shot.

Take these words as you will and put them to good use against aliens, mobsters, terrorists, or clowns in your favorite flash shooter.