Keeping your documents safe even though you format your HDD

There are times, when your system starts acting weird and suddenly in a blink all your work is gone. That is because most of us keep our data/file/documents in My Documents just because its the default place where everything you download from internet goes in.

There is one simple way by which you can avoid such scenario. 

1. Right click on My Documents
2. Choose Properties
3. Now Choose Move from the three options that crop up.
4. Now browse to drive D: or anyother drive that you like to move to and create a folder My Documents. Otherwise all the documents will get stored on the root directory.
5. Click on apply and ok. 

Voila now, you don't have to worry about your data or documents any more. Its the easiest method for securing your data even if the OS goes Kaput. All your have to do is repeat the step mentioned above and you are up and working again.

Please do let me know if it proves useful to you.